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Into The Clearing's Story


The Problem – Did you know that there are 10,322,000 Single mothers with children under 18 in the US?


  • In 2011, 62 percent of women between ages 20 and 24 who had recently given birth were unmarried.

  • Among all homeless families, 8 out of 10 are headed by single women with children.

  • Only two fifths of single mothers are employed full-time the entire year, and a quarter are jobless the entire year.

  • Half of single mother families have an annual income less than $25,000. Median income for single mother families ($25,353) is only one third the median for married couple families ($78,699).

  • Only one third of single mothers receive any child support, and the average amount these mothers receive is only about $300 a month.

  • Child Care Affordability – Nationally, the annual cost of center-based infant care averaged 38% of the state median income for a single mother. About 31% for a 4-year-old child. In many cases, a single mother of an infant ages 0-3 would have to pay more than half of her income for day care at a center.

  • Without generous financial aid, single mother students a total of 1.5 million – have little or no means to contribute financially to their educational expenses.


How we got started: Into the Clearing started from many years of counseling and helping young women and their children and recognizing a desperate need for a holistic approach in order to change their life/world perspective. This program would address the spiritual, emotional and physical needs as well as the financial needs.


Who we are: Into the Clearing was formed to build community around the young single mothers (20 to 30) and their children and to provide a preschool for their children while they are in classes designed to strengthen, teach and bring healing to their lives so they can effectively pursue their goals.


What we do / How we do it: We will provide childcare while the moms are in classes/training/counseling for a three month period. The classes will be held Monday thru Friday while their children are being cared for.  Through the training, our approach to healing provides a way to effectively stop destructive cycles and prepares them to renew their perspective and take their new confidence and hope out into their communities and beyond.


  • Life Skills Training – training in the areas of managing a home environment, managing a budget, job skills and interviewing, and some basics of cooking and cleaning. These skills are taught in a class format and in a practical application.

  • Counsel for life management – classroom teachings in areas such as forgiveness, anger management, setting boundaries, and other principles to be applied in specific counseling situations.

  • Bible Studies – encouraging in daily worship.

  • Nutrition and Fitness Education – direction given based on her specific goals and needs.

  • Emotional Healing – choosing to forgive, renewing the mind, recognizing generational patterns, healing life hurts, freedom from oppression, principles for future success.

  • Teaching them to identify the root cause and avoid destructive behaviors.

  • Identify goals at 30, 60 and 90 days (and beyond).


Where we serve: We are located and serve in Palm Beach County, Florida.


Why I’m involved: I am involved with Into The Clearing because of desire to help young mothers in difficult circumstances with children to raise… basically alone. These young moms and their children are in extremely vulnerable and often dangerous positions.


What we’ve accomplished: Thus far, I have worked with these women one on one and have seen strong and beautiful transformations bringing healing, health and success to those I have served.


Where we’re going: We are actively seeking well-located and cost-effective (or donated) local storefront to open Into The Clearing Gift & Thrift, and to give us a tangible "face" in the community.  When a reality, Into The Clearing Gift & Thrift will market and sell a range of high quality donated items including both vintage and new furniture, home accessories, clothing and more.  A little further down the road, we also envision purchasing approximately 5 acres of land on which to build and furnish a daycare, learning center and the thrift store. An estimated cost to purchase property and build it out is $2,750,000.



Into The Clearing is a Florida non-profit organization, which has a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Thank you for your donations, which will be used to show God’s mercy, and hope to the oppressed and needy.


Financial support and gifts are fully tax deductible and can be made online using the "donate Now" link below or via check made payable and sent to:


Into The Clearing

P.O. Box 4656

Boynton Beach, FL 33424


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